7 – 8 May 2025 I Messe Dortmund

3 – 4 June 2025 I Hamburg Messe New Location

Co-located to
Multi-Barcode Reading in Intralogistics
Mobisys Mobile Informationssysteme GmbH

Multi-Barcode Reading in Intralogistics

How do you solve complex requirements efficiently?



Intralogistics is the heart of every company when it comes to the smooth handling of goods and material flows. Efficient and cost-effective processes are of crucial importance here. In this context, barcode technology has established itself as a proven method for data capture. However, conventional barcode scanning techniques reach their limits in certain areas when it comes to capturing multiple codes at the same time. This is where multi-barcode reading comes into play, an innovative solution for demanding requirements in intralogistics.

Read more in the blog post now!

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